Wednesday, May 12, 2010

83 is for 83 year old self

Yo eighty three year old self, or maybe younger I don't know. I am thirteen right now and I am talking to you seventy years into the future. Right now I am just little Jordan in 7A and this is my blog post to me. When I was thirteen I had somewhat curly/messed up hair. I was one of the short people in my class. Every lunch we would go outside to play football. Mondays were Eastside Mario's hot lunch, Tuesdays were Little Caesars which was pizza that was awful, and Fridays were Subway.

Right now it is Wednesday May 12th 9:30 am exactly. When I was in grade seven I wanted to be a doctor, but I don't know if I am a doctor in the future or not if I am yaaaaaaa!
This year 2010 has started off well lots of cool things have happened like the Olympics. Canada won the gold for women's and men's hockey. Last year in 2009 or 2008 I forget which the first black president was elected. His name was Barack Obama.

So 83 year old self I hoped you get this blog because it would be totally awesome if you did.
So in the future have fun, stay awesome, and be a Fuzlong.

Life lesson: When your 83 stay awesome

I commented on Aj's blog

Monday, May 10, 2010

J is for journals or blogs????

Ok journals they are good, but blogs are even better. I'm not trying convince everyone to like them I'm just giving the reasons why I like them. Just a starter reason is the name, I mean blog come on that is better than journal. A starter reason for why I don't like the journal is because you have to write, with a pencil! I know you all secretly dislike handwritten things.

So first, Journals now what is wrong with them? They are so boring I mean it's paper. Black and white together on a piece of paper. There is no fun to it, no pictures, no linking to another site, no typing! Another thing is that it goes to your teacher and you don't get to share it and if you do you have to go in front of the class and nobody want's to do that.. Don't forget the most important reason they are bad, they are so much harder to do.

Now for my favourite things blogs. They are just the best thing someone could possibly think of. The reasons they are the best thing someone could possibly think of is because there is so much to do with them. You can as I mentioned earlier in the journal section (which with journals you can't do) link to another site, add a picture, and you get to type! Another reason is that they are so colourful. You can change the text, the background colour, and the type of display. The most important reason for blogs being better is that they are so much easier!

So those are the reasons I think blogs are so cool. I hope you switch to liking blogs if you don't. Don't feel you have to. You should though. Anyway just make your own decision. Make a good one. :-)

Life lesson: Blogs are awesome

I commented on Damon's blog

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

B is for Boats

Boats, they are the one thing I loved when I first saw them. When I was old enough I was compelled to be behind the throttle(for my age it is a throttle) of a aluminum motor boat.
When I was almost turning eight I started studying for my boat licence test. I was nervous because if I didn't get I would be so upset. When the day of the exam came I was ready to succeed but in the pit of my stomach I had a feeling I knew I might not get it, but When I was called to right the exam I was ready. It started off with a few questions that were basically all common sense. Then the questions started getting more difficult, they were questions about if you pass a red buoy do you go left or right? But it depends on whether you are going up stream or down stream. Other questions were like who has the righter way if you are on the green side of the nose lights? nose lights are the lights at the tip of the boat that are red and green.

Two weeks later after the test they sent the results to my cottage, so the weekend after school we went up to my cottage. When we got there I saw that under the door was a yellow envelope instantly I knew what it was, before my dad could open the door I ripped open the envelope to find a platinum licence engraved saying Jordan Furlong licenced operator. I was so happy, finally, I got my licence. My dad still reminds me that it is amazing I got it when I was eight years old.

The weekend after I got my licence I went up to the cottage again. When I got there I saw a trailer that said Paris Marine Boating Company (PM BC). There was a guy standing by the trailer and he pulled the cover off of a new 9.9(power of the engine), blue, and shiny Fisherman Aluminum Motor boat. The minute I saw it I instantly wanted to take it for ride and I did. From then on the one thing for me to get away is get into my tinny (that's slang for Motor boat that is aluminum) and drive off.

Life Lesson: Find you thing to get away

I commented on Tommy's blog about T.V

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

R is for rabbit

Sealpoint Mini Lionhead.jpgTwo weeks ago I got a rabbit it's name is Jupiter. Well technically it is my brothers rabbit, but I do most of the work. It is a male Lion head rabbit, it is five and a half weeks old. I will tell you in the next two to three paragraphs about this lion head rabbit. First I will talk about how it got its name and where it is from. Also I will talk about what it eats and how big it gets.

The reason the Rabbit is called a Lion Head Rabbit is because the fur on it's head. The fur on it's head grows into a lion like mane. Also the rabbit has the energy of a lion (no joke he is nuts) and a small lion like nose. This particular type of rabbits is actually the most un-rabbit like species of the rabbit. They are officially bred in England but the American Breeding association has the species now to breed them.

The Lion Head Rabbit eats a combination of dried corn, alfalfa, Dried seed and natural grass.
They can not have vegetables until they are at least 2-3 months old. The size of a Lion head rabbit is the size of a size six running shoe. The biggest it gets it only one to two shoe sizes larger. When the rabbit hits it's growth spurt it becomes more agile, quick and spastic.
When it is full of energy it does a move called a "binky"where it hops and its back legs twitch. When it lands from a "binky" it sprints a good couple of feet.

I hope that Lion Head Rabbits will be around for ever because they are one of the best and interesting species I have ever seen.

Life lesson: rabbits are awesome

I commented on Erics blog

Friday, April 16, 2010

G is for Gone

I am going to talk about my favorite book in the world it is called Gone. It is a series of books where adults disappear, gone right off the face of the earth and the kids are left to fend for themselves. Over the next two paragraphs I am going to talk about a book that was made to be a best seller. I will talk about the Main characters and the other not so important characters.

Do not worry I will not spoil the book I will just give names and what the area the kids are in is called it has nothing to do with the main plot.

The main character is a kid who takes charge his name is Sam who has a mother named Miss temple. I don’t remember her real name but Miss temple works (right people J). Then there is this girl who is the next up to main character her name is Astrid and she has a little brother named Little Pete but they call him LP for short, he is autistic. The next on the list would have to be Sam’s best friend Quinn they loved to surf together before the adults disappeared and they have been friends for a long time. There is this other girl who is kind of important her name is Lana she was driving in a truck when her (blank will not ruin story) was driving but that is all I will reveal. There are still bullies in this area their names are Orc, and Howard (who is only tough around Orc). Those are enough characters I will not give away everything.

Where all the kids are there seems to be a barrier blocking them out from the world so they named it the FAYZ (fallout alley youth zone). Strange things happen in this book and I think is a book worth trying if you haven’ t heard of it well you have now so go on out to the store and pick it up. They have two more sequels Hunger and Lies. This book means a lot to me because I think it shows that you never know when kids might be left to fend for themselves and someone just like 7B’s chapel is going to have to be a leader and take charge.

Life: be ready for anything

I commented on Tommy's blog

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

C is for Cuba

Today I am going to talk about my favourite country in the world, Cuba. I have been going to cuba for 12 years. It is the most relaxing country you will ever see. Everybody portrays Cuba as a bad, dangerous, and an un-orderly country. Where as the people who have been to Cuba portray it as a beautiful, none harmful, and a safe country. Yes it is a Communist country but it works for Cuba the truth is we see it as a bad country just because it is a Communist one. Communism doesn't work for us because since we have all that we have we would just want more and more. Communism is a system where everyone is guaranteed a job, food, and a safe place to live. It is actually a wonderful thing for Cuba. I have gathered info from the internet and if it wasn't communist 85% of the country would be hungry, and on the streets.

Honestly I just love Cuba sure they have weird things there like rock moving Tuesday. One time me and my dad came out of our room and all the employers were moving the rock it was weird. Ever since then we call it rock moving Tuesday. Another cool thing in Cuba is the mini submarine. It is as I said a mini submarine with windows all the way down the side. you get in and it is ti dark to see there is just this little hole of light at the top. Then they close the hatch it is totally dark, finally you go under the water and the sub lit up with blue rays as the windows open and you can see the underwater world. I saw huge turtles, sting rays, and sharks, it was amazing.

I think of Cuba as a second home to me. Everyone there is calm and it is not like our really fast paced life. When you get home you really notice the difference between Cuba and Canada. The only similar thing they have in common is that they both start with the letter c.
If you have never been to Cuba I suggest you go now!
Cuba will always mean something to me.
Life lesson: try new places you won't regret it.
I commented on Alex's blog.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I is for Inspiration

Now everyone knows what inspiration is. It is when something or someone gives you the courage and ability to do something that you dreamed of doing but now you have someone or something to do it for. I will be talking about some of the different types of inspiration. There is human inspiration, Self inspiration, and memorable inspiration. These are the three different types. I will give you a little idea of what these mean in this paragraph and go into more detail in the next paragraphs. Human inspiration is when there is someone you are doing it for. Self inspiration is when you are doing it for yourself. Finally memorable inspiration is when there is an object that you see and it makes you remember your past and that is why you are here.

To start off the explanations I will start with human inspiration. As I said earlier it is when there is a person in your life that made you come to this point and that is who you are doing it for. An example of human inspiration is the Olympic gold medalist Alexandre Bilodeau. His brother is the biggest inspiration in his life. His brother is older than him and is mentally handicapped. Alexandre felt that if he won the gold medal he would be doing for his brother.
Now you may think that sounds silly but if you think there is probably a person an athlete perhaps that you dream of following or making them proud of you. Also most of the worlds greatest athletes have a person that they want them to be proud of. Human inspiration I would have to say is the best way to inspirate yourself. Next time your playing a volleyball, basket ball, or soccer game and your losing think of that person or athlete and just go nuts.

The next one I'm going to talk about is self inspiration. Have you ever wanted to win something for yourself so that you could say that I won that, so that you could say that I did that myself? Yes you probably have. We all have that secret desire to be the best that we can be and so that everyone knows that you are the best. Like Canada! Fourteen gold you think we got those because we felt like it no, we did it so the whole world would know that this is our country. If they play in it they lose in it. Think about when was the last time you wanted to win in gym class come on i know there is people out there that are like that. It's ok it just means that you have a great ability to self ins- pirate yourself. All that matters is that if you think you can do anything you probably can.

The final kind of inspiration I would like to talk about is memorable inspiration. If you think it sounds silly that someone is doing this for a little doll or emblem that someone important gave them and why they gave it to them your very wrong. Think about it hockey lovers if your favourite hockey player gave you his stick and said
" win the Stanley cup when you are in the NHL"
Would you just flop and your bed and say
I highly doubt you would you would get up try hard and with the right state of mind you will win the Stanley cup. Some of you my think that inspiration does nothing you are wrong some of the worlds greatest minds or athletes use inspiration to get them to where they are today.
Objects can have a powerful effect on humans. The way this works is that the object is so important to you that who ever gave it to you meant for you to do something. So every time you see it you remember that you have to do that thing. After you complete that quest to win or gain that thing you wanted so badly that object will make you happy. Every time you see it you will think that, that object got you to where you are today.

I hope everyone learned that inspiration is one of the most powerful effects on humans. When you find your special inspiration you can go very far. Inspiration can make you complete unimaginable tasks. So find your inspiration, use it to your advantage, and complete you lifetime goal.

LIFE LESSON: Inspiration is there you just have to find your own.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

P is for Pets

I think that pets are the best thing in human history. They are fuzzy and warm. For the next couple of paragraphs I am going to tell you why pets are totally awesome. Ok to start I will go over the basics of pets (which are still awesome). One they have an amazing ability to cheer you up there is no question about it. Another thing is that there are many different types of pets. Whether your idea of a pet goes from fluffy and fuzzy to scaly or slimy.

Now I will talk about how I would feel if I lost all of my pets in one day. Just think about it all those years of training, petting, and hugging just gone in seconds. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a pet just, bam disappear. Once one of my dogs went outside the house to go running and he didn't come back. For at-least two hours we waited but he just didn't come back. Eventually we heard a scratching on the front door and we thought it was some person wanting to sell us something. After we opened the door little cody barked and came rushing in. I was terrified that he was gone but he wasn't. I was so happy that he hadn't run away I had the weirdest feeling when he was gone I would hate to have that forever.

Now I will talk about the characteristics of pets. Most pets have a happy and cheerful personality, but sometimes you have to watch out for some animals such a growling dogs or pet snakes. Of course there are a lot of other pets or wild animals that can have a vicious personality. About a year ago I was walking with my dog and this massive coy dog ( mix between coyote and a dog) appears luckily we were behind a fence but it was growling and it looked like it was ready to jump over the fence and eat us. The one thing about coy dogs is that they would attack you in seconds no matter what because they are a mix of a coyote and a dog as I said earlier. So they have the claws and teeth of a coyote and they are not afraid of humans like dogs so they will attack you. Well back to the story another coy dog shows up so cody starts barking at them and I pick him up and slowly walk back inside. It was very scary because they could have jumped over the fence anytime they felt like it. That goes to show you that coy dogs have a very vicious personality. Cody has the happiest personality in the world he is always waging his tail and jumping around. He never runs out of energy. In the mourning you can hear him barking along with his brother Dodger it is annoying but it is also funny. I will always find them the funniest little dogs ever.

I think that pets just make our lives complete and without them you are missing out on a lot. I encourage anyone who does not have a pet to get one. Sure they are a lot of work but in the long run it pays off. We should always find the thing that makes our lives complete. Which is a little cute cat, hamster, puppy, or any other pet that you would like to have. Life lesson: Pets make our life complete but be ready for the work.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

S is for spiders

. I absolutely hate spiders they are the worlds worst creation. Okay first of all they are creepy gross and have eight legs. When they are about to strike they sort of lean back and then they bite you with their evil fangs. They keep biting down until you are screaming your lungs out. That may have sounded utterly creepy but it is the scary and gross truth. I would just like to put out their that they have eight very disgusting eyes. This is random but thomas thinks that spiders are cool which I don't get at all. He says if he was a spider he would spin webs everywhere and climb on the ceiling. If he was a spider he says he would feel small and fuzzy. Yes I did interview him okay it was scary.

Did you know that spiders don't have ears they hear through sound vibrations. which is scary because you could be walking around a corner and then bam a spider jumps on you face you start screaming. Now I know I'm not alone I can't possibly be the only one who hates spiders I mean why do they have a thing called arachnid phobia. This one thing I find really weird, in your whole lifetime eight spiders go down your throat when you are sleeping. Well it probably isn't real but I still believe it.

Well I think that spiders will always creep me out I don't know about you but I'm positive about me. Next time you see a spider look at it and then tell me if you think is creepy. Let people be scared of what they are scared of if you try to help with phobias you will only make it worse. If the person is just scared in general help them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A is for Avatar

Oh my gosh a couple of weeks ago I saw the best movie in the history of man kind. The name of this great movie is Avatar, First of all the reason it is so cool is that the whole planet they are on is fake nothing is real. That makes it cool because the water is animated, the rocks are animated, and even the sky is animated. The next thing that makes it super awesome is that the blue people ( na'vi) actually look like the actor who is doing the voice. They take a picture from a camera download it onto the computer and then mix the actors image with the aliens image.

I liked the flowers in the movie when they illuminate with neon colours. There is this part when they climb floating cliffs and the cool thing is that the cliffs look real. what adds to that is they float so basically it looks like real cliffs just floating in the air. This movie is three hours long but I know some people who have seen it three times in the same day. Thats nine hours of your day sitting in a theatre watching a gigantic screen. That must burn you eyes and you would get super tired. I have seen it twice and i would defiantly go see it again because it is flawless.

This movie is the second most grossing movie of all time. they are saying in two weeks it will be far ahead of titanic. This movie cost 500 million dollars to make. Also they are holding box office records and they are still going up. I can't wait because they are going to make a second and third avatar. The writer wrote this when the movie industry did not have the kind of technology it needed to make it succeed. So he had all this extra time to perfect it so that is why it is flawless as I said earlier.

The movie really made me think about how the environment matters to some people. It may sound silly because it is kind of an action but the details are that they care about their environment. I hope everyone understands how important nature is. You should never judge a book by it's cover before I thought avatar was dumb because of the title of then I saw it and then I loved it. So once again never judge a book by it's cover.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

C is for Cuttlefish

The species known as the awesome cuttlefish is my favourite fish of all time. The swim with little tentacles that move up and down along the side of their body. Plus they are super cute If you don't believe me I will include a picture of a cuttlefish within this post. Plus they are so cool that they got to be in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean three when sparrow is in a pirate council and he randomly talks about cuttlefish. During the day cuttlefish bury them self in the mud and sleep and build up energy for the nights hunt. During the night cuttlefish hunt and eat enough to last them the whole next day to sleep.

The next awesome thing about cuttlefish is how they capture their prey and eat. Cuttlefish have a small sack in their neck where is a large three sided tentacle that can open and snatch and crush prey. Also it has little hooks on the tentacle but the hooks are very small. They look slow when they are about to attack but then they jerk shoot their tentacle out and snatch their prey. Then the tentacle brings the dead fish or crustacean back lets go of the fish in its mouth and it digests it.

To close this topic I might talk about the genetics of a cuttlefish. Did you know that the common cuttlefish is actually related to the garden slug or snail. They belong to the same group of animals as octopuses, squids, and nautilus. Like snails they are also molluscs. Another cool thing is that they have a gas filled bone in their body that allows them to be buoyant. Now I hope you like cuttlefish as much as I do because they are really cute. Even though they are cute we should never take them or any other tropical animal into captivity.

Baby cuttlefish nibbles on finger :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

W is for WINTER

Ok first of all I would like to make something clear winter is one of the most wait make that the most worst thing ever! It is cold, dangerous, wet, slippery, and when you go outside it burns your eyeballs off. Have you ever gotten snow down your neck it is awful am I right or am I right. I mean you get snow down your neck and then you try to get it off with your snow filled glove. Results more snow goes down your neck. Another stinky situation is when you get snow in your boots then when you come inside you have a stinky wet mouldy sock smell.

My second thing about winter [ :( ] is that the temperature goes from sunshine to -20 billion decrees of pure numbing pain. Nobody in their right mind would want to have there fingers go completely numb, stinging, and red as a cherry. The next thing that is caused by winter is frost bite you call that a happy winter. When you here winter you think of snowballs and snowman's but really in the end it is just cold, icy, and scary. Have you ever slipped and fell and hit you head on the ground I have! The culprit is the very annoying solid known as ice.

Now if you still think winter is awesome, well I tried anyway if you decide that you don't like winter thank you.