Wednesday, May 12, 2010

83 is for 83 year old self

Yo eighty three year old self, or maybe younger I don't know. I am thirteen right now and I am talking to you seventy years into the future. Right now I am just little Jordan in 7A and this is my blog post to me. When I was thirteen I had somewhat curly/messed up hair. I was one of the short people in my class. Every lunch we would go outside to play football. Mondays were Eastside Mario's hot lunch, Tuesdays were Little Caesars which was pizza that was awful, and Fridays were Subway.

Right now it is Wednesday May 12th 9:30 am exactly. When I was in grade seven I wanted to be a doctor, but I don't know if I am a doctor in the future or not if I am yaaaaaaa!
This year 2010 has started off well lots of cool things have happened like the Olympics. Canada won the gold for women's and men's hockey. Last year in 2009 or 2008 I forget which the first black president was elected. His name was Barack Obama.

So 83 year old self I hoped you get this blog because it would be totally awesome if you did.
So in the future have fun, stay awesome, and be a Fuzlong.

Life lesson: When your 83 stay awesome

I commented on Aj's blog

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