Monday, May 10, 2010

J is for journals or blogs????

Ok journals they are good, but blogs are even better. I'm not trying convince everyone to like them I'm just giving the reasons why I like them. Just a starter reason is the name, I mean blog come on that is better than journal. A starter reason for why I don't like the journal is because you have to write, with a pencil! I know you all secretly dislike handwritten things.

So first, Journals now what is wrong with them? They are so boring I mean it's paper. Black and white together on a piece of paper. There is no fun to it, no pictures, no linking to another site, no typing! Another thing is that it goes to your teacher and you don't get to share it and if you do you have to go in front of the class and nobody want's to do that.. Don't forget the most important reason they are bad, they are so much harder to do.

Now for my favourite things blogs. They are just the best thing someone could possibly think of. The reasons they are the best thing someone could possibly think of is because there is so much to do with them. You can as I mentioned earlier in the journal section (which with journals you can't do) link to another site, add a picture, and you get to type! Another reason is that they are so colourful. You can change the text, the background colour, and the type of display. The most important reason for blogs being better is that they are so much easier!

So those are the reasons I think blogs are so cool. I hope you switch to liking blogs if you don't. Don't feel you have to. You should though. Anyway just make your own decision. Make a good one. :-)

Life lesson: Blogs are awesome

I commented on Damon's blog

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