Tuesday, January 12, 2010

C is for Cuttlefish

The species known as the awesome cuttlefish is my favourite fish of all time. The swim with little tentacles that move up and down along the side of their body. Plus they are super cute If you don't believe me I will include a picture of a cuttlefish within this post. Plus they are so cool that they got to be in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean three when sparrow is in a pirate council and he randomly talks about cuttlefish. During the day cuttlefish bury them self in the mud and sleep and build up energy for the nights hunt. During the night cuttlefish hunt and eat enough to last them the whole next day to sleep.

The next awesome thing about cuttlefish is how they capture their prey and eat. Cuttlefish have a small sack in their neck where is a large three sided tentacle that can open and snatch and crush prey. Also it has little hooks on the tentacle but the hooks are very small. They look slow when they are about to attack but then they jerk shoot their tentacle out and snatch their prey. Then the tentacle brings the dead fish or crustacean back lets go of the fish in its mouth and it digests it.

To close this topic I might talk about the genetics of a cuttlefish. Did you know that the common cuttlefish is actually related to the garden slug or snail. They belong to the same group of animals as octopuses, squids, and nautilus. Like snails they are also molluscs. Another cool thing is that they have a gas filled bone in their body that allows them to be buoyant. Now I hope you like cuttlefish as much as I do because they are really cute. Even though they are cute we should never take them or any other tropical animal into captivity.

Baby cuttlefish nibbles on finger :)

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