Tuesday, January 19, 2010

S is for spiders

. I absolutely hate spiders they are the worlds worst creation. Okay first of all they are creepy gross and have eight legs. When they are about to strike they sort of lean back and then they bite you with their evil fangs. They keep biting down until you are screaming your lungs out. That may have sounded utterly creepy but it is the scary and gross truth. I would just like to put out their that they have eight very disgusting eyes. This is random but thomas thinks that spiders are cool which I don't get at all. He says if he was a spider he would spin webs everywhere and climb on the ceiling. If he was a spider he says he would feel small and fuzzy. Yes I did interview him okay it was scary.

Did you know that spiders don't have ears they hear through sound vibrations. which is scary because you could be walking around a corner and then bam a spider jumps on you face you start screaming. Now I know I'm not alone I can't possibly be the only one who hates spiders I mean why do they have a thing called arachnid phobia. This one thing I find really weird, in your whole lifetime eight spiders go down your throat when you are sleeping. Well it probably isn't real but I still believe it.

Well I think that spiders will always creep me out I don't know about you but I'm positive about me. Next time you see a spider look at it and then tell me if you think is creepy. Let people be scared of what they are scared of if you try to help with phobias you will only make it worse. If the person is just scared in general help them.

1 comment:

  1. IT WAS OK But I dont under stand how yo u dont like spiders there nice and kuddlie come on jordan

