Wednesday, April 28, 2010

R is for rabbit

Sealpoint Mini Lionhead.jpgTwo weeks ago I got a rabbit it's name is Jupiter. Well technically it is my brothers rabbit, but I do most of the work. It is a male Lion head rabbit, it is five and a half weeks old. I will tell you in the next two to three paragraphs about this lion head rabbit. First I will talk about how it got its name and where it is from. Also I will talk about what it eats and how big it gets.

The reason the Rabbit is called a Lion Head Rabbit is because the fur on it's head. The fur on it's head grows into a lion like mane. Also the rabbit has the energy of a lion (no joke he is nuts) and a small lion like nose. This particular type of rabbits is actually the most un-rabbit like species of the rabbit. They are officially bred in England but the American Breeding association has the species now to breed them.

The Lion Head Rabbit eats a combination of dried corn, alfalfa, Dried seed and natural grass.
They can not have vegetables until they are at least 2-3 months old. The size of a Lion head rabbit is the size of a size six running shoe. The biggest it gets it only one to two shoe sizes larger. When the rabbit hits it's growth spurt it becomes more agile, quick and spastic.
When it is full of energy it does a move called a "binky"where it hops and its back legs twitch. When it lands from a "binky" it sprints a good couple of feet.

I hope that Lion Head Rabbits will be around for ever because they are one of the best and interesting species I have ever seen.

Life lesson: rabbits are awesome

I commented on Erics blog

Friday, April 16, 2010

G is for Gone

I am going to talk about my favorite book in the world it is called Gone. It is a series of books where adults disappear, gone right off the face of the earth and the kids are left to fend for themselves. Over the next two paragraphs I am going to talk about a book that was made to be a best seller. I will talk about the Main characters and the other not so important characters.

Do not worry I will not spoil the book I will just give names and what the area the kids are in is called it has nothing to do with the main plot.

The main character is a kid who takes charge his name is Sam who has a mother named Miss temple. I don’t remember her real name but Miss temple works (right people J). Then there is this girl who is the next up to main character her name is Astrid and she has a little brother named Little Pete but they call him LP for short, he is autistic. The next on the list would have to be Sam’s best friend Quinn they loved to surf together before the adults disappeared and they have been friends for a long time. There is this other girl who is kind of important her name is Lana she was driving in a truck when her (blank will not ruin story) was driving but that is all I will reveal. There are still bullies in this area their names are Orc, and Howard (who is only tough around Orc). Those are enough characters I will not give away everything.

Where all the kids are there seems to be a barrier blocking them out from the world so they named it the FAYZ (fallout alley youth zone). Strange things happen in this book and I think is a book worth trying if you haven’ t heard of it well you have now so go on out to the store and pick it up. They have two more sequels Hunger and Lies. This book means a lot to me because I think it shows that you never know when kids might be left to fend for themselves and someone just like 7B’s chapel is going to have to be a leader and take charge.

Life: be ready for anything

I commented on Tommy's blog

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

C is for Cuba

Today I am going to talk about my favourite country in the world, Cuba. I have been going to cuba for 12 years. It is the most relaxing country you will ever see. Everybody portrays Cuba as a bad, dangerous, and an un-orderly country. Where as the people who have been to Cuba portray it as a beautiful, none harmful, and a safe country. Yes it is a Communist country but it works for Cuba the truth is we see it as a bad country just because it is a Communist one. Communism doesn't work for us because since we have all that we have we would just want more and more. Communism is a system where everyone is guaranteed a job, food, and a safe place to live. It is actually a wonderful thing for Cuba. I have gathered info from the internet and if it wasn't communist 85% of the country would be hungry, and on the streets.

Honestly I just love Cuba sure they have weird things there like rock moving Tuesday. One time me and my dad came out of our room and all the employers were moving the rock it was weird. Ever since then we call it rock moving Tuesday. Another cool thing in Cuba is the mini submarine. It is as I said a mini submarine with windows all the way down the side. you get in and it is ti dark to see there is just this little hole of light at the top. Then they close the hatch it is totally dark, finally you go under the water and the sub lit up with blue rays as the windows open and you can see the underwater world. I saw huge turtles, sting rays, and sharks, it was amazing.

I think of Cuba as a second home to me. Everyone there is calm and it is not like our really fast paced life. When you get home you really notice the difference between Cuba and Canada. The only similar thing they have in common is that they both start with the letter c.
If you have never been to Cuba I suggest you go now!
Cuba will always mean something to me.
Life lesson: try new places you won't regret it.
I commented on Alex's blog.