Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How do authors try to create a feeling of empathy in their readers

Authors are amazing at creating feelings through words. For a good example the Bread Winner has tons of moments where I felt empathy. How the authors do this is they try to connect you with moments in the book. I think that Authors use parts that relate you to the character the most. If the character has no father and you have no father you understand how they feel this is empathy. Another one is where they put you through similar situations that can really make you feel empathy. We all know that the ways that the authors use will not work for everyone because not everyone lives the same way. Of course it is bound to work for someone there are millions of people on this planet.

Description is another great way to bring empathy upon readers. I think that is true skill being able to transport feelings through words. What I said earlier is description like say they describe the characters life and it is similar to yours you might feel empathy. Once again that depends on the person not everybody feels this as I explained earlier.

So finally I think empathy is always going to be in books no matter what the case is. Weather it is an action, drama, or comedy book feelings in books are always going to be there that's my post.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I think wearing a Burqa would change everything about your life for example you can't just walk outside and wear your favorite jeans and shirt. It takes all your style and choice away don't forget about you know the whole being wraped in black cloth against your will part of it. I mean iI think its just cruel it limits your vision ( i don't wear one but look at a picture of a Burqa and you will know what im talking about) restricts your movement and a bunch of other stuff. I'm not one hundred percent sure but this is just my opinion. The sad part is that you could get shot just for not wearing a piece of fabric. The Taliban ( what i know so far ) do very violent things if you don't abide by there rules.

Personally I would have mixed feeling if i had to wear a burqa. You have to understand that
it won't change so you have to get over the fact that you yourself may not be able to make a change. You would have to enjoy what you can because the burqa probably will not change. I also understand why you would feel angry I mean you have no choice you are practically there slaves it is totally unfair. You would have to control yourself if you were angry sad you can't make a scene or you could be signing your own death sentence. I find that extremely depressing.

Well in summery I think that wearing a Burqa can have a huge but also small (depending on the person ) effect on everyone. It can make you angry, sad, and even rebellious against those who force the law on you. In the end the Taliban force lots of unfair and cruel laws. We should all think about how lucky we are to be able to raise our voices and make a difference, and wear what we want so lets just all take a minute and really think about just how unfair the laws of the Taliban are. Now its up to you is the Burqa good or bad??